Beyond Change
Living a Healthy Life After Obesity Surgery
Our Program Includes
Metabolic Evaluation
Treatment plans focusing on proper nutrition and necessity of supplements.
Nutritional Supplements
How they work and WHY they are necessary.
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Consultation with a food and nutrition expert with valuable experience specific for bariatric surgery patients.
Personal Assessment
Your individual needs with the use of health and wellness questionnaires.
Individual Support
Individual counseling.
Special Seminar Access
An informative 10-week series on ‘Normal Eating’.
A Customized Exercise Plan
Effective exercise plans taylored to your needs
* We will be working with your personal, Physician, Therapist/Psychologist and Nurtiritonist.
* We will work closely with your primary care doctor, therapist/psychologist , nutritionist regarding your care. With your written permission we will send information to him/her on a regular basis. This communication will be done to help those who assist with your physical, nutritional and emotional well-being to understand the needs of the bariatric surgery patient.
How You Will Benefit
What we will work on together:
* How to get the maximum benefit from bariatric surgery
* How to understand over eating and how to prevent it
* How to develop a diet and exercise program that you can maintain indefinitely
* How to deal with relapse
* How to reduce anxiety and other unpleasant emotions often associated with the changes that bariatric surgery requires
and more...
**Please note that we are not expecting these specific programs or goals to be mandatory. Our goal is to work with you to help you find a plan that is most suited to a healthy lifestyle and a weight that you will be able to manage for the rest of your life.